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Psych's Kirsten reminices - Février

Avant Psych, Kirsten avais eu un rôle dans la série A la maison blanche avec Dulé Hill, elle parle de ses souvenir du tournage et de la femme qui lui a offert ce rôle, l'actrice récemment décédé, Kathryn Joosten. Elle parle aussi d'une blague que elle et Dulé ont eu.

By Andrea Reiher

Zap2it spoke with "Psych" actress Kirsten Nelson in preparation for her directorial debut on Wednesday's (Feb. 26) episode of the USA comedy. An interview about that process and the end of "Psych" is coming later in the week, but one of the other topics we touched on was her memorable guest-starring role on "The West Wing."

In the Season 2 finale of NBC's political drama, titled "Two Cathedrals," Nelson played the younger version of Mrs. Landingham, secretary to President Bartlet who in present-day had just been killed in a car accident.

Nelson tells Zap2it that it was actually due to Kathryn Joosten, the actress who played present-day Mrs. Landingham and who passed away herself in 2012, that she auditioned for the role.

"That is still one of the roles that's closest to my heart. I knew Kathy Joosten, we worked together on a very short-lived series called 'Thanks' for CBS," says Nelson. "I ran into her outside a comedy club in Hollywood, she was coming out, I was going into the next show and she goes [imitates Joosten's distinctive voice], "Hi! How ya doin'? Hey listen, I'm doing this show called 'West Wing'' and I'm like 'Yeah, I know. That's a pretty big show.' [laughs] And she says, 'They're lookin' for the young one of me, you should go in.'

"We were both from Chicago, so I could do her Chicago accent. And I went in and got the job ... and one of my first scenes, you know 'West Wing' was famous for its walk-and-talks, and I finished my walk-and-talk as her and the camera guys lean out from behind the cameras and they were all just staring at me. I was like, 'Well, was -- was that OK?' and they're all like, 'You're a dead ringer for her!'"

"Kathy was a wonderful, wonderful woman, it was an honor to be her," Nelson finishes, but then adds there's a running joke between her and "Psych" co-star Dule Hill, who also starred on "The West Wing."

"The joke with that is I was 19 weeks pregnant with my first child, I was almost five months pregnant on ['The West Wing'], and then when I was cast on 'Psych,' I was eight months pregnant with my second child. And I told Dule, 'I'm done. I'm done having kids, so we can't do any more TV shows together because I seem to get pregnant with any TV show you're attached to,'" says Nelson with a laugh.

 © Zap 2 It

Ecrit par angella 

1967 is the goodbye eps - Février

Kirsten parle de l'épisode qu'elle a réalisé, qui est aussi un tout premier adieu a la série avec tant de choses qui se passent dans l'épisode, et du fais que tout les acteurs non présent dans la scène voulait rester voir le tournage des flashbacks...

By Andrea Reiher

As its final run of episodes starts, "Psych" is time-traveling for "1967: A Psych Odyssey," which sees the gang solving a decades-old murder, all the while dealing with some very big changes for the SBPD family.

For star Kirsten Nelson, it was an episode filled with many emotions because not only is Chief Vick leaving and the show coming to an end, but it was also her directorial debut.

"When they offered me this episode, I was really excited. ... Then I got the script and my heart melted. It was such an emotional one," Nelson tells Zap2it, "but I was so honored that we kept it in the family to direct this pivotal episode. It definitely requires the touch of somebody who's been there for eight years to really, really understand what was exactly happening.

"This episode, there's so many new beginnings, but it's the goodbye episode," she continues. "There's a lot of stuff that happens with the chief having to leave and then so many other decisions that are following. Our final episode is such a celebration, it's so funny -- the one that's our series finale. But in order to get to that celebration we have to get through '1967: A Psych Odyssey.' It was pretty emotional. It was really raw to film that scene between Lassiter [Tim Omundson] and Juliet [Maggie Lawson] at the end, even behind the camera. There were not many dry eyes."


Despite the emotional goodbyes, Nelson says that the flashback nature of the show offered many joyous days on set. "[The flashbacks] were super fun. Putting Maggie in that big hair, she just shined walking down that big staircase.

"And Dulé [Hill], in his gold lamé suit for the dance sequence, performing an original song that he learned and he sang and he recorded. Those days [on set], compared to our goodbyes, our very emotional days ... everybody loved it, everybody was so full of energy. They didn't want to go back to their trailers, they wanted to watch," says Nelson.

"We shot a music video, in the end. We made a musical with Dulé. He ended up performing that three-minute song three different times ... and going down into the splits just like James Brown would have, he ripped his pants twice."

© Zap 2 It

Ecrit par angella 



Ecrit par angella 
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