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Timothy Daly à Kate Coyne

It's not often that you see a male celebrity as a spokesperson for breast cancer. Why did you get involved?

A dear friend fought this disease, and her husband was so profoundly affected by it — it made me realize that breast cancer is important to men, too, because these are our wives, our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters who are fighting.

You're facing an empty nest now. How are you handling it?

I am the biggest girl about it, honestly. I just can't stand the fact that they're going out on their own — I love having my kids around, and I'm angry at them for going out and becoming independent. I want to tuck them in and drive them to school in the morning, but they just won't let me do that anymore. I actually went to a therapist, who told me that usually, it's women who get like this.

Is your wife equally sad?

No, actually — she's handled it much better. But she's just generally stronger than I am about everything, which is nice, because it means that now I get to be the baby.

Are you particularly helpful or handy around your empty house?

Well, I have a farm in Vermont that's my main residence, where I do lots of digging and mowing, and ride tractors — just so you don't get the wrong idea that I'm too girlie! And I went on a kick recently where I was building lots of tables. Which taught me a lesson: Apparently, you can have too many tables.


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