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Kirsten talks - Juillet

Kirsten parle de la saison 5, comment Psych est arrivé a elle, de Karen, de comment James leurs a annoncé qu'ils avaient Curt Smith, des Psych-Outs, des fans sur internet...

by: Jamie Steinberg

Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) "Psych" is taking up most of my time. When we were on hiatus, I did some guest starring roles like on "Ghost Whisperer." If it's not "Psych," then I'm here with my family.

Q) What is new this season on "Psych" and with your character Chief Karen Vick?

A) They kind of keep a lot of the storylines for us in the dark. They kind of give us tidbits here and there. I know coming up we have a murder of the old Chief, which kind of throws things into flux especially for Henry who has this loyalty to the old Chief. We have some old guard detectives that have to solve his murder. Being faced with the predecessor before the one I replaced is kind of fun. We might find out more family history about the Chief, being with her daughter and her husband. We'll see what that brings up, as far as her marriage and her professional life combined. I think after the midterm hiatus there will be more stuff coming our way.

Q) What made you want to be a part of the show?

A) I didn't want to be a part of the show in the first place before I knew the project. I was six months pregnant at the time so I had a lot of changes happening. This was before the pilot was shot and I was so tired before the audition that I was like, "I don't want to go! This is a funny project and I don't think I can go." I just felt all drab, but I got up and put some lipstick on. It ended up being fantastic and really fun! Steve Franks (our creator) and the rest of the people in the room were so warm and funny. I just thought, "I think I can do this. I think I want to do this." A couple weeks later, the rest was history! When I was actually shooting the pilot I was eight months pregnant and feeling heavy, but so happy to have my mind off the whole pregnancy. I was surrounded by really great people and working on a fun project in the super cold location of Vancouver, Canada. I liked the character though and that's what brought me in. I was so tired and not interested in going out auditioning, especially with my body changing. This Chief was hard, but gentle towards Shawn (James Roday). They didn't get me at first, but they got me as soon as I walked into the room.

Q) What about the role continues to challenge you?

A) It's finding a happy balance between looking out for Shawn and reprimanding Shawn. He really does clear my numbers. I mean that as the Chief of Police I want case numbers cleared. I want them closed. It's not fun for the Chief of Police to have a detective with open cases that aren't solved. Shawn helps solve those cases and closes up my number gap. There's an affinity for this kid too because there is a sweet side to him. It's trying to keep all my precious ducklings in order, but making sure they know who is boss. That's what I still find challenging is how to bring that through every week.

Q) Was there instant chemistry when the cast began working together or did it take a bit of time to develop?

A) There really was kind of an instant chemistry. We still marvel at that and Corbin [Bernsen] has actually said that a couple of times. The cast has gotten together for dinners and barbeques with each other and our families. Also, we can all just sit and hang out. There is not a lot of attitude and not a lot of awkwardness. It's just very easy and kind of amazed. Corbin has said that too, that we don't understand what we have here. It's fantastic! I don't know if that has to do with casting or just how cool people are in general. It was really easy to meet people, slide into it and to mesh all of our personalities. It's fun. It's a fun group.

Q) Who are some of the amazing guest stars we can expect this season?

A) Every season who have a music artist re-record our theme song. We had Boyz II Men, which was fun because we had a couple of different versions. We have Curt Smith from Tears For Fears re-recording our song and doing a cameo as well. When he got the call, James was insane! He said, "Oh my God! This is really going to happen! This is happening!" It's so exciting just because of all of the 80's references and these kind of 80's idols that the show kind of puts forth.

Q) What has been your most memorable moment from filming "Psych?"

A) My most memorable moment was probably learning how to shoot a gun with Jane Lynch when she was on as my sister. Just having Jane on the show was tremendous. She's such a gifted actress, funny and very personable. You think, "I don't know. She's such a different caliber." She just fell right in with us and I wanted her to be my best friend by the end of our shooting. There we were standing side-by-side, trying to learn how to shoot weapons, which can be very imposing in its own way. We were bonding, girlz with gunz. It's got to spelled with z's! So, it was a bonding experience getting to shoot weaponry with Jane Lynch. There have also been nights when it's been pouring rain and we're stuck in some God forsaken warehouse. We're all there miserable, but having fun. It's been very interesting shooting in Vancouver where the weather can change any moment and the schedules keep changing because of weather. During the pilot, the Props department was outside with hairdryers trying to dry the snow off of plants. It had snowed during the night and we're supposed to be in Santa Barbara. It was Fall though and it snowed. So, here they are with hairdryers getting rid of snow. There are also times when we're off of set and the cast is just hanging out. We had a great time going to a movie. It's very family and it's very personable. Those are memories too, when we can all just go out and hangout with each other.

Q) Why do you think people continue to tune in to watch the show?

A) I am going to start with two words...James - Dule. Those two guys are really fun. They're good looking to boot. They are two guys that happen to have fun and actually solve crimes on the sidelines. I think every week people keep tuning in because they like what they see, that they're familiar with what they see and and the want to keep visiting these people every week. They want to see what new nickname Shawn will come up with for Gus this week. Will Lassie eventually give kudos to Shawn Spencer? Will the Chief get to shoot a gun again? I think they keep tuning in because they like what they see and it's still really familiar. For five seasons we've kept that same formula going and it is still working. Let's give it to James and Dule. People tune in to see them.

Q) Will we ever get to see a Chief centered "Psych Out?"

A) That would be nice! I seem never to be around every day that they shoot the "Psych-Outs." They'll say, "Oh yeah, we had ten minutes so we decided to shoot a 'Psych-Out.'" Not a lot of thought and energy go into these "Psych-Outs." Someone will be online and they'll say, "I love this song! Let's do a 'Psych-Out" where ever they may be...whether they are in a chicken outfit or in a werewolf costume. They just are spontaneous and improvised. That's how the "Psych-Outs" started in the first place. James and Dule both have an affinity for singing and they can finish songs together. One line will come out of one person's mouth and it will be finished by the other guy. It's really amazing because they are just improvising. When the cameras were still rolling, they thought, "Wow! Let's keep going with this stuff!" I would love to do a "Psych-Out." I know the Chief can be so stern. I don't know if she can actually let her hair down in her "Psych-Out" and be funny.

Q) The show has a huge online following. How does that make you feel?

A) It's a little odd because we realize there are so many fans who know about the show and it's in a different world. It's nothing you can touch it, but yet it has this life and entity online. It's exciting! It's exciting to kind of read some of the postings and ideas. That the fans are so invested in the show is really cool, that they think about storylines and characters and that they are a force to influence the show as well. People on our staff will make sure that we know what the heartbeat of the online audiences is and it is a gift. That first season or second season was the number one show downloaded on iTunes and that was before YouTube and Hulu went into this huge explosion. It's kind of an honor to know that there is this other life to the show. Sometimes we feel like we're in a vacuum, especially shooting in Vancouver. To be in Vancouver is like kind of like camp and you kind of don't know what's happening with the show outside of camp. So, when we come back home to LA (where most of us are based) and go online, we see the support of the show and it is very heartening. It's nice and unexpected at the same time. So, we're honored.

Q) Where can people go online to learn more about you?

A) I don't have a website, but my Internet Movie Database page is always there. I think there are links to me on USA Network's "Psych" page. I am pretty straight forward so what you see with me is what you get. I wish there were some hidden issues with me.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) I am so very grateful to be a part of all this, to be a part of the show, and to actually have fans that care about what these guys are going through that it is heartening. As an actor, be able to share your gift every week and that people actually tune in is very heartening. I am very thankful for the fans and keep tuning in because we do follow you and we do read you. So, keep it coming!

© Starry Constellation Magazine

Ecrit par angella 

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Ecrit par angella 



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