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Maggie & Timothy - Mars

Maggie et Timothy parlent du 100ème épisode de la série, du Musical, de leurs personnages et de comment évolue leur relation, de Marlowe, des Psych-Out, la chose la plus surprenante qui soit arriver à leurs personnages respectifs...

by: Lisa Steinberg

Q) So can you kind of talk about what we’re going to see in the 100th episode?

Timothy: What aren’t you going to see in the 100th episode?

Maggie: Exactly. It’s going to be fantastic. It’s going to be silly. It’s going to be like non-stop. And there’s some crazy thing we’re doing where we - I think it’s that the fans choose the ending.

Timothy: Yes, yes that’s what it’s going to be which is super awesome. You’re also going to see a cornucopia of some of the greatest guest stars or certainly the greatest group of guest stars ever put together for our show in one thing.

Q) I also read in the press release we’re finally going to get a musical episode. Can you talk at all about that?

Maggie: Oh wow, it’s one of the most fun things I think we’ve ever been a part of. It’s wild!

Timothy: This is also coming from like we have done some pretty amazing things on our television program and this is the top of the most amazing.

Maggie: I guess just over the years it’s something we’ve always sort of talked about because we all enjoy as you all know with the psycho outs and whatnot singing and Steve Franks just he wrote and directed this like this unbelievable thing that we all got to be a part of which is so cool. I mean he wrote the music. It’s all original. It’s just it’s crazy. And it was a bit terrifying at first. And then it ended up being I think one of the most like incredible and fun episodes we’ve done. Tim will blow your mind. Oh I’m serious Tim. It’s so good. And quite a dancer I might add.

Timothy: But God bless you. And I have to say it has been quite a while since I’ve had dance rehearsal, you know? And it’s always the thing to tell me that’s a triple threat. So it’s an Achilles’ heel. Maggie has a voice like an Angel. I’m just going to put that in there right now. I think we kind of shocked the hell out of each other because, you know, we all sing and goof around but everybody really brought their A games to this one. And it’s a two-parter by the way. It’s a two hour Psyche extravaganza. If you think recording a song in Frank Sinatra’s old study in Hollywood it’s cool...

Maggie: I mean if you’re into that sort of thing.

Q) Well we saw Juliet channel her bad-ass side in Lassie Jerky. Does Lassiter return the favor this season, maybe help save O’Hara?

Maggie: Well Lassiter always in my opinion always has O’Hara’s back and O’Hara always has Lassiter’s back. So when one person is either held up or taken by who we think is Big Foot the other person steps up to the plate. I do think this season what’s interesting about Lassiter is we see a little bit of a softer side. I think he’s softening up a little bit. What do you think Tim?

Timothy: I think he’s going through a mid-life crisis. If you look at the Lassiter O’Hara relationship it really - like we’ve had some amazing moments on this show but it’s really - there’s so many opportunities this season where you get to see the other - sort of like you get to see, I mean the first three episodes just O’Hara kicking ass to the nth degree and saving her partner on - and so anyway. But then also as we’ll see later in the season she has his back emotionally. There’s some lovely, you know, that where she really steps up to the plate as a friend which I think everyone will be blown away.

Maggie: Yes. I really love how this seasons unfolds with Lassiter and Juliet.

Timothy: So and sometimes it’s very, very uncomfortable for her. I’m just going to say that. There’s something about Lassiter that she doesn’t want to see or know and can’t be unseen or un-known.

Maggie: No. once it’s seen and known you can’t un-see or un-know it.

Q) And there’s some talk of Lassie getting hitched this year. Can you talk a little bit about how Marlo is kind of his soul mate and how they complement each other?

Timothy: Marlo’s in prison so that’s difficult. Certainly I would say other than O’Hara which is, you know, other - well like well since she’s divorced O’Hara’s pretty much one of the few female that he speaks to. Well certainly trusts but speaks to other than arresting. So when Marlo comes along it’s got - it - it just turns his world upside down. And I’m so grateful for, you know, especially James and Todd for giving me that storyline of creating this next place for him to go with the lovely Marlo, the beautiful Kristy Swanson. Yes, it’s he finally has an emotional partner and a life partner. And we’ll see where the relationship goes. I mean Lassiter’s a crusty old dog so we’ll see if she can truly tame it.

Q) And is there a chance for a holiday like episode this year?

Timothy: Well I think we did the musical sort of took the place of the holiday episode if I am not mistaken.

Maggie: Yes that was the move there, yes absolutely. 

Timothy: But you know what? Isn’t every episode kind of like Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanza all wrapped into just a beautiful 47 minutes of delight?

Maggie: The correct answer is yes.

Q) Everyone’s been missing the Psych-Outs lately. Will they be returning this season?

Maggie: I don’t know what’s happening with the Psych-Outs Tim.

Timothy: Here’s what happened during the filming of season seven, we were putting like 20 pounds of comedy in a 10 pound bag. And sometimes the comedy spills over. We were so busy and it was - the schedule was so chock full I don’t know that we did a lot of stuff.

Q) Tim, after 100 episodes how do you feel about the type of guy Lassiter was as compared to who he is now?

Timothy: That’s an excellent question. In many ways he’s the same guy. It’s just we have now gotten to see because these writers have given us the opportunity to -- and I’ve gotten to play -- the other facets of them. I mean Scratch, he’s still that same, you know, by the book lovable dick that he was in the pilot. But of course like any human being he’s evolved and he has relationships that change him. And they’ve all changed him for the better. I’ve never really thought about this but Shawn maybe has changed him for the better. Certainly Marlo has, certainly O’Hara has. So I love where he’s gone. I love where we have been able to take him and it’s just the - it’s the greatest role I’ve ever gotten to play. And I don’t know when something like this is going to come around the bend again so I’m trying to just suck every ounce of juice out of it that I can.

Q) Maggie, how do you feel about getting to 100 episodes with all the cast intact and happy?

Maggie: I mean it’s just something you dream about but you don’t actually like believe or know that it’s going to happen. And I think yes it’s just - it’s the whole experience has just been magical. And I think that we’re just all so grateful. And I feel like everybody writers, the producers and us cast like we’ve just really - we’ve really grown and had this like wonderful experience together. And I feel like that’s come across in a lot of ways on screen as well. And I - it’s, you know, the fans have just been so good to us and so dedicated and they’ve had so much to do with it as well. I just think all the way around it’s just been - it’s so - it’s unbelievable and incredibly special.

Timothy: And especially amazing to me how many times I’ve tried to get you fired.

Q) What’s the most surprising thing that’s happened to your character since she signed on?

Timothy: I think for me just the fact that there’s been a journey. Because so often in television you play the same beats, the same thing episode after episode after episode. And there’s such resistance to any kind of change, certainly on a procedural, which technically we are. So I just feel so blessed that we’ve gotten to show colors, we’ve gotten to play these different things personally.

Maggie: That’s sort of exactly how I feel as well. Like we over season after season after season it was just we’ve been able to like peel back layers while still having a case and still doing our jobs like as detectives and as the psychic and as, you know, like we’ve been able to show other sides and grow on the personal side as well. Our characters have grown so much. I mean I remember reading when we got the script an evening with Mr. Yang. It’s Yen where Juliet is rescued at the end and I fall into Lassiter’s arms just, you know, I fall apart basically and he’s there like to catch me. Like moments like that, you know, when you’re like kind of you just - these beautiful moments where you’re caught off-guard and you’re like holy cow like we get to do this and our characters we get to as actors get to do this but we get to do this like with each other because we’ve all been through this experience and the writers have paid such close attention.

Timothy: And it’s this ridiculous, silly comedy that gets the moment of power like that.

Q) But what haven’t you don’t yet that you would like to do since you all have been able to sort of exercise these muscles with extreme comedy and now a musical?  Is there something that you guys hoped to be able to do in season eight that you haven’t done yet?

Timothy: I can’t answer.

Maggie: I can’t either. Isn’t that crazy that we can say that? Like I can’t imagine between the musical and our 100th episode and like I can’t even imagine what that episode would be.And what’s crazy is that the writers are coming up with it right now and they’ll continue to surprise us and take it to another level. But we’re so happy I think and feel so fulfilled from what we’ve done that I can’t even imagine what that episode is Tim.

Timothy: I mean I’ve ridden a horse. I’ve chased a man with a sword.

Maggie: I’ve had an axe fight with a sorority girl.

Timothy: Come one. Man you tagged a Serbian’s arm to a tree with a cross bow.

Maggie: Tim I have to say the other night you managed - you know how some people manage to like that beautiful perfect single Demi tear from Ghost? You managed to perfect the single nostril snot.

Timothy: I don’t know how long you practiced that but it was perfect Tim.

Q) I love the scene in Juliet where Juliet and Shawn are on the bridge. And I know that you guys have kind of a history of epic moments and a few moments on bridges. And I was wondering if we would see any of that in future episodes, we’re going to have more and the cute moments between the two going forward?

Timothy: It was a beautiful simple - you guys played that so simply and beautifully and easily. It was lovely to watch.

Maggie: Oh thanks Tim. It was Andy Berman. I love his when he writes the relationship stuff. He’s so natural and sweet. I love that scene so much for the reason you just said Tim that it was just kind of subtle and like a little bit understated. And that I think is what makes those scenes so special. But there are definitely some Shawn and Juliet scenes in season seven as they’re getting more into their relationship. We play a lot of it very, very real, you know? They’re in it now. And they’ve, you know, it’s fun and it’s also they’re going to be going through some real stuff too.

Q) I was wondering is there a difference in the way your characters are directed by female directors as to males?

Timothy: Not for me. I don’t find anything different.

Maggie: I don’t either. I mean I feel like we’re just so blessed with the directors we’ve had come to our show and especially when people we love like Jen Lynch come back again and again and again. It’s just all a part of the team. You know, it’s just all a part of the group and like and a part of the family. So it doesn’t feel different actually at all. It’s just as wonderful - it’s just like we get to play with our, you know, with our friends.

Timothy: I mean there’s certainly nogender difference. There are some directors who direct certainly differently. There’s some more technical. There’s some that are more emotional. But I’ve noticed no gender issue.

Maggie: No, absolutely not.

Q) I was wondering fans are able to choose one of the three endings for the 100 clues episodes do you guys have a favorite and of course why if so?

Timothy: I didn’t. They’re all fantastic.

Maggie: They’re equally fantastic and they were equally fund to shoot.

Timothy: I can’t wait to see which ones the fans are going to choose.

Maggie: Yes that’s sort of the exciting part like where we get to - it’s exciting for us too because we don’t know either and it’s up to the fans. That’s like it’s crazy.

Q) And since the movie Clue is inspired by a board game did you guys have a favorite board game when you were growing up?

Timothy: I was not a Clue player. I’d seen the movie but I was not a Clue player.

Maggie: I played a little Clue. I remember I loved the game of Life. Oh and of course Monopoly we played a lot.

Timothy: Well I should interject though, I have killed someone with a candle stick in a library once though.

Q) Working on the show all these years is there anything specific that you’ve both learned about yourself?

Maggie: I mean I feel like we’ve all like kind of grown up together in a way.

Timothy: You were a child.

Maggie: Yes I was a baby. Hey I’m still a child. I feel like I have learned so much. I have learned so much as an actress as well just working with all these incredible people. And but even just in life too. I mean it gets said a lot but we have become a family to each other. And I feel like I learn every day on many levels from everyone truly.

Timothy: Yes that’s a pretty profound question. I - you know, my second daughter was born just as the show was starting. And she’s 8 now so she, you know, she’s - the show is almost as old as she is and it’s kind of parent - I don’t know, it’s a challenge being a parent and being awake so much. So I guess it’s - I’ve learned a lot about how to do that, how to sort of count the moments in life with your family while you get them.

© Starry Mag

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